Terms & Conditions

Payment of school fees

The Spirit Education Foundation will cover the payment of school fees for the five years of high school at the school where your Spirit Education Scholarship has been awarded, provided the Spirit Code of Conduct is upheld at all times

Payment towards scholar extras

The Spirit Education Foundation scholarship includes contribution towards the following scholar extras:

  • School uniform: All new scholars entering Grade 8 will be eligible to submit a claim request to the Spirit Education Foundation for contribution towards school uniform. New parents will be informed of the amount they are eligible to claim for. Assistance towards school uniform items for scholars in higher grades is discussed and agreed upon as the need arises.
  • Stationery: All scholars receive a stationery voucher towards the cost of the following year’s school stationery requirements. Scholars entering Grade 8 receive a higher allocation than scholars entering higher grades.
  • Payment towards subject-specific stationery (for example EGD, art subject supplies, etc.)
  • Academic support and enrichment: Payment towards extra tuition in subject areas where additional academic input and support is required
    Payment towards school text books and study guides
  • Additional subject fees e.g. Music (Payment for extra subjects needs to be discussed and negotiated with the Spirit Education Foundation before the subject choice is made.)
  • School excursions / school camps
  • Provision towards data costs where online learning is necessary
  • It remains the responsibility of the parent/s or guardian/s to ensure that the scholar is able to get to and from school. Contribution towards scholar transport is within exceptional circumstances, and is discussed and reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

The Spirit Foundation Scholarship does not include the following:

The Spirit Education Foundation scholarship includes contribution towards the following scholar extras:

  • Sports equipment
  • Sports tours
  • Matric dance tickets
  • Overseas tours
  • Hostel fees
  • While we recognize the value and importance of sport and extra mural activities at high school, the Spirit Education Foundation Scholarship is primarily an academic scholarship – so that is where our priority lies in terms of the areas we can to allocate donor funding.

Have any queries?

If you have any queries regarding the Spirit Education Foundation Terms and Conditions please contact us at scholarships@spiriteducationfoundation.org